

By Baron Karza. Check him out on youtube here!


Greeting peasants, it’s your master and favorite plastic dictator, Baron Karza. So I got bored and while I was working on a battle for the first time since February, I thought to myself “Those blogs where people talk about mus they like are cool, why not try one of the those” I mean, I got some interesting ideas, so why not threaten one of my friends into copying and pasting my stuff into a blog. I mean these kinds of blogs are more interesting than ones made for creators to M@$%ur8@T3 to their own power fantasies that’s for sure, so here’s a little something.


Ranger vs Prisoner 849


This is certainly one of the matchups ever made. 


But I’m gonna level with you, this fight is as simple as simple gets and connections ain’t too deep, but since you people like that stuff, I’m gonna give something better than “Boomer Shooter Icons”


-Both Unreal and Quake are games that are considered revolutionary not only for the fps genre but gaming as a whole. Quake was one of the first fully 3d games released just a day apart from mario 64 and I don’t think I need to tell you about the Unreal engine.

– Quake 3 arena and Unreal tournament had huge rivalry back in the day over which of the 2 was the better arena shooter, think of it as the 90s version of tf2 vs overwatch, I think it’s also worth mentioning that original unreal advertisement said “Rip Quake 2”

– Ranger and 849 are both the survivors of an alien attack

-Both killed the queen of said aliens

-Both were sent back to the alien territory to destroy the remainder of the threat


Look I tried, but hey it has more connections then some mus that were actual death battles


Animation Potential


Is it wrong that I think this MU is better then most of doom guy’s matchups? Ah fuck it, I’m a Baron, the social hierarchy deems me righter then you peasants. Anyway I guess I oughta explain my objectively superior opinion to you weak minded individuals. The reason I prefer this mu to most of Doomguy’s is because of speed. Unlike Slayer vs Chief where it’s a pretty fast guy against someone who is pretty sluggish or Slayer vs Guilliman where it’s basically a boss fight, I think this matchup reflects the fast paced nature of a multiplayer boomer shooter. With the only other mu I can think of with that is V1 vs Slayer. It would be full of rocket jumping, jump pads, fighters racing each other to power ups. 


But I guess I gotta explain in bits first


Setup: Sometimes the setups write themselves. It would be a simple arena fight reminiscent of quake 3 or unreal tournament, it requires zero thought. But I think it would be really interesting that instead of having the character die once and the fight is over, have them have multiple lives and the winner is who kills the other more times before the time runs out.


Actual Fight: Well my loyal subjects, time to get into the meat potatoes. I think instead of having the fighters start off the fight with all their weapons already on their person, only have them start with only 3 and the rest of their weapons are scattered across the arena along with health pickups and power ups. If the respawn idea is used then have them lose their weapons upon death and have them improvise with whichever ones they pick up later. The fight would be a fast paced gun fight from beginning to end. Both fighters would strafing, bunnyhopping and rocket jumping and the fight would only become more hectic as they acquired more weapons and power-ups. 


Now I’m just gonna provide some cool stuff that could happen in the fight. Ranger firing a grenade at 849 only for it to bounce off of an energy wall she set up and back to ranger. But Ranger uses the explosion from the grenade to launch him over the shield and behind 849. Ranger picks up the empathy shield which reflects all damage done to the user, which makes 849 play defensively until it wears off. The horn of conjuring summoned two of the various monsters from quake to help out Ranger. And if you want something funny, have Ranger pick up an anti gravity belt before jumping off a platform, but he’s falling too slowly so 849 easily snipes leaving his dead body to just slowly fall to the ground.




Despite both characters being mostly silent in their games, I think a few creative liberties can add some interesting banter. Just trash each other to kingdom come. Maybe base it off quake’s bots like for example: 


Have Ranger poke fun at 849 for needing to reload and Ranger being mocked for a more limited roster of weapons. 


Music Potential


Ok, this probably has some of the coolest music potential just listen to some of Quake’s music and unreal’s


Quake Music 


Unreal music–5COmk8ZM0 


Think that the music would start off ambient, sounding more like a rhythmic heartbeat or breathing of the combatant. Reflecting the relatively slow pace of the fight starts out. But as the fight progresses, the natural living sound of the heart is gradually overtaken by an industrial, sci-fi like sound. Near the end of the fight, the music kicks in full gear. The ballistic industrial sounds almost completely overtake the heartbeats and the music starts sounding corrupted. But the heart beat can still be faintly heard. As to what would be the track name? Unreal Dimensions


Who Would Win?


Now this isn’t a tough call. I made a video covering who would win(Shameless self promotion). But if you don’t want to listen to me ramble for 20 minutes, I’ll give you the simplified explanation. Ranger is much faster and more mobile than 849 allowing him to easily maneuver around her attacks and his power-ups negate 849’s advantages. 




This matchup is a pretty cool banana. That’s it, I just think its neat


Otto’s Comments


I quite like this matchup. I think Karza’s being a little unfair to himself when he rags on the thematic connection. Sure, it’s not something zoomers would get, but the zoom-zooms shook their heads at Jason vs Leo. This isn’t a fight for them.


Ranger would absolutely slaughter. In an arena shooter, speed is king.