I’m not counting this as an episode.


I’m not counting this as anything.


Oh god, Ben. What’s next? A Gen:Lock battle royal? Team RWBY vs whatever other teams the show has?


How about your dignity vs your corporate masters? Too much of an obvious curbstomp?


What’s The Worst Part of This?


Is it the grimy taste of absolute shilling coming hot of the heels of that glorified The Boys commercial?


Is it that the last time we had an intra-universe match was Meta vs Carolina…another RvB shill match?


Nothing drains the hype from a match like removing the crossover aspect. People don’t want to see Batman vs Joker. They want to see Batman vs Spider-Man.


Ben couldn’t have made this Red team/Blue team against Master Chief? It’s really easy guys. Change the color of one of the characters to green. AT&T not giving you guys enough for a palette swap?


Is it that we had the perfect fight for October in Talbain vs Sabrewulf and for some reason known only unto God and Ben we got it slotted for November 1st so that we can have this travesty of a match on the 18th?


Are we sure Ben is from Texas and not the UK or someplace where Halloween has as much pull as Arbor Day? Does he not get the idea of the holiday? Did someone give little Ben a rock when he went trick-or-treating?


Well, I suppose this fight is thematic for Halloween in that it’s a nightmare.


For me, the worst part about this match is that it’s the first true team vs team match.

We’ve had fights broach the subject of team vs team before. We’ve had several fights that can be taken as 2v2 matches, though always with one member being the main member and the other being support like with Batman Beyond vs Spider-Man 2099, Solid Snake vs Sam Fisher, and Dragonzord vs Mechagodzilla. We’ve also had a whole team once fight another whole team–but only inside their respective combiner mechs in Megazord vs Voltron.


We’ve never gotten a pure squad vs squad match–until now. And it’s not Sinister Six vs The Rogues, it’s not Universal Horror Monsters vs Slashers, it’s not Fantastic Four vs The Terrifics, its Red team vs Blue team.


And it’s always going to be the first team fight.


THAT is the worst part of this match.


So…Are You Voting?


Officially, I’m abstaining from this embarrassment. I’m not going to watch this episode. I’m not even going to do research for this episode. This fight doesn’t deserve to draw attention to it’s combatants. Red vs Blue deserves to be ignored and that’s exactly what I’m going to do.


But You Got to Have A Vote! Who Do You Predict Will–


Fine. Blue team. I pick Blue team just because that was the version of Pokemon I had as a kid. No other reason.