


First time making an article/blog/ whatever you could call this little rant, big thanks to Capeworldcomics for posting this, I would totally recommend The Power of Stardust if you haven’t read it yet.


Aw, thanks pal!–Otto


The Gist Of It


Season 8 of Death Battle had been pretty anticipated, it was a season promised to be full of legacy matches and episodes that were by themselves finale tier. It pretty much failed to deliver on that considering quite a few were either not legacy matches such as Blake vs Mikasa, Korra vs Storm, Ryuko vs Shadow, or Yoda vs King Mickey, which certainly weren’t in anyone’s list of long awaited requests, compared to Unicron vs Galactus. Those that were long requests did exist but were certainly not finale levels of quality such as Shao Khan vs Akuma, Madara vs Aizen and Star vs Steven. The only ones I would say matched the criteria of being a long wanted fight and delivering on quality would be Dio vs Alucard (results aside), Goku Black vs Reverse Flash & Popeye vs Saitama.


But focusing back on Star vs Steven, it starts off in the 2010s, which is the time cartoon fandoms really got big, very in your face and infesting Twitter with long time big ones like Gravity Falls, My Little Pony, and Adventure Time first started premiering which is why Bill Cipher vs Discord is a thing, that happened to attract idiots like Speedy who are obsessed with the concept. But about a step or so below on the ladder are Star vs The Forces of Evil and Steven Universe, with both of their creators being pretty open about wanting to make shows that took
after anime like Sailor Moon, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Magical Knight Rayearth, Dragon Ball Z, and various others. Just two shows about magical kids and their dumb adventures with their friends with splashes of drama and lore scattered through, and feels. So it made sense there would be a rivalry of sorts between the fandoms, which you especially see on /co/, and at the intersections of these fandoms and vs debaters came a pretty big group interested in in who would win a Death Battle, which would end up being a pretty big request for Death Battles which could only ever really start being worked on when they ended with Star in 2019 and SU in 2020. It has a lot of appeal, a magic fight between two kids with interesting enough powers and a classic Cartoon Network vs Disney Channel vibe going through that is fueled by company wars.


All the bare bones were there, so why did it end up being subpar?


Not Quite Death Battle Finale Tier


Let out all your jokes about CalArts right now, but Star vs Steven’s fight animation wasn’t much to talk about. For a season promised to be full of fights that were were worthy to be finales, a fight that only really starts about 45 seconds in is kind of a letdown, even if it was a little charming, especially considering it barely goes past the 3 minute mark, that’s about a third of a Death Battle with no actual battle, what type of finale is that?


Now I realize that writing a reason for Steven to fight a random girl he just met isn’t very easy but I feel like it didn’t need much beyond 10 seconds. The actual fight itself left a lot to be desired especially when the people who worked on described it as crazy and out there, but it mainly took place on a beach with little of a change in environment. With both shows having from pretty decent looking locations, that left a lot to be desired, especially with one of Star’s main things being her ability to travel a lot of locations/dimensions, it wouldn’t be like Steven couldn’t follow her wherever she went.


Another missed opportunity was the potential for a Kaiju fight, sure Monster Steven isn’t standard and I certainly wouldn’t use it in any analysis with Steven but this is a season that had Sage of the Six Paths Madara, visually it was an option. Another issue was the fact it ended in another generic disintegration ending, and I understand that the reaction to Ben 10 vs Green Lantern’s ending could have influenced that but still, it’s such an uncreative option given what you’re working with.


I also felt the fisticuffs scene would have visually worked better had Star been using rainbow fists surrounding her hands since she has done them for, instead she’s using the wand itself which sort of makes it a bit awkward to see in action. I did enjoy the Warmicorms vs Watermelon Stevens army fight but I still felt it distracted from the main thing people wanna see, Star vs Steven. It also would have been nice to Lion or any other of Star’s summons besides Spider With A Top Hat voiced by Swan. Track overall was nice but leaned a bit too into straight up just
using their shows’ music.


Characterization was more or less okay if this is pre-ending of Future Steven, he’s got some issues, and Star felt closer to season 1 Star, being kind of unaware of herself compared to season 4’s who had gotten kind of sick of things and magic all together. Overall I say the battle would have benefited from being longer, I tend to consider 4 minutes the minimum for a finale anyway.


Star the Genocidal


Just a quick thing I wished to touch upon, a common argument for Star is that since she’s willing to genocide a whole race and Steven is a pacifist she should obviously win. This is also the same type of argument that gets casuals to believe Homelander should be able to defeat Superman. I kind of find the argument pretty idiotic as it’s very common for heroes to fight villains who are willing to kill them, so it’s not like it would be anything special just because they’re fighting a fellow protagonist. And it’s not even really like Star was much of a genocidal nutjob to begin with, she was just very, very stupid in how she handled the situation.


The Corrupting Light And Other Calcs


I’m gonna leave my take on calcs all out in the open: Calcs are stupid. They can be fine in cases such as say a Green Lantern crossing billions of light years in moments, but those are based on the writer’s actual understanding of a little math.


Reminds me of when Larry “Known Space” Niven wrote for Green Lantern and had Hal redshift his light yellow.–Otto


90% of all calcs in vs debating come from people assuming the writers understood that say “the light needed to be so intense at this point had to contain a worth googolplex joules” or “Dodging this laser when it was so close means a character can move at speeds 30 times the speed of light”. It gets you results that clearly don’t match up in any actual canon, like star level Steven Universe. The Corrupting Light was just a beam designed to corrupt Gems, it wasn’t a destructive physical blast passing through light years like this was Asura’s Wrath, Hell, if it was there wouldn’t even be a planet to stand on since Rose didn’t shield everyone,.


It doesn’t make sense to say that the average Steven Universe Gem can take on all the full power of a star. There’s a reason the Diamonds needed to splice together hundreds of thousands of Gems to make the Cluster, whose big thing is that it was capable of destroying Earth. Namely,  they can’t nuke planets, a feat that should theoretically be possible just by them using about 1/one millionth the supposed power of their Corrupting Light beams.


Steven wasn’t sinking continents when his powers went out of control like he was World War Hulk. been sinking continents when his powers were. If you’ve watched the show, it’s very clear that that Steven’s powers have limits.


Another issue was that they scaled Steven to Lapis’ ability to manipulate the ocean, despite the fact she never really threw the ocean at him. Lapis being able to control all the water on Earth doesn’t mean she can take the liquid of a cup of water and make it hit someone as hard as the strength needed to lift the ocean, it just means she can manipulate the ocean.


But What About The Statement The Wand Can Destroy The Universe ?


Yes, Queen Moon did make a statement that the wand could risk destroying the universe should it fall into the wrong hands , but take into account how Star has threatened space and time in the past, by refusing to answer a math question when apparently destiny said so. This kind of means Garnet alone would break space and time solely for her apparently defying fate.


The world/“cosmology” of Star vs The Forces Of Evil happens to be really, really rigid. Father Time himself has stated that time is fragile so much that if Star froze time again, she would end up breaking time. Meaning if she were to do so again in a Death Battle, this would lead to time and neither her or Steven winning since they aren’t Superman. Even taking into account a neutral universe, Star doesn’t snap her fingers and time is stopped like it’s Bewitched, her spell just knocks over Father Time, a guy pushing the wheel of time, which stops moving once the wheel stops turning. This is a setting so fragile Regular Dio would be Swank Dio level of power with just the trick he pulled off on the Senator.


Second of all, even taking that aside, the Wand itself is sort of built on lies. It’s not even actually a wand, Glossaryck made it out of a baby rattle and made up the queens in his Keikaku to get magic destroyed, but why is this important? He’s the one who teaches every wielder of the wand, anything they know is from him, so whatever Moon was told about the wand and/or its capabilities is sort of meaningless in the grand scheme. We’ve seen the wand blow up, and frankly it’s not very impressive. See, about 1:40 to see it blow up.


The wand exploding at full force could not hurt anything beyond the castle they were in, let alone anything even approaching celestial bodies. When there’s such a big disparity between statements and actual results, it really doesn’t make that much sense to not choose what happens in actual canon.

Another time it happened was when she had used it on Ludo’s wand fragment. See 2:10. Now this only ends up destroying a part of a castle tower and even then Star clearly doesn’t scale to it. The nature of the Whispering Spell seems to be that it explodes and takes whoever is
nearest it into the Realm of Magic, but she wasn’t even scratched by it, and it seems more likely that she wasn’t really hit by it.


So we have a magical weapon said to contain the power to destroy the universe not even being able to destroy a town. When statements are directly opposed by actual feats like this, it makes more sense to look at what’s actually happening instead of one character’s  subjective thoughts on a power.


The Book Of Spells


Now, here is where the entirety of the battle boarding of Star Vs comes from: a piece of merchandise that has zero relevance in the actual series. Here is where we get feats like Skywynne destroying a dimension. What these people don’t tell you is that Star vs dimensions fall under the Universal Wal-Marts issue, or in their particular case a Universal Best Buy parody called Quest Buy. Debaters tend to treat all dimensions as full-sized universes that extend for billions upon billions of light years despite the fact they tend to be things such as arcade rooms or dance party lounges.


I love that Universal Wal-Marts are slowly becoming a thing–Otto


The case of Skywynne is especially egregious as the dimension described is one made out of mud and glow worms. Hell, some of them survived by hiding away in her socks. Universal socks now? And again, that’s not even getting into the Book of Spells being again, something manipulated by Glossaryck, the liar whose whole plan is based on getting whatever Queen he can to get rid of magic. Even if what he said was true, there’s no guarantee Star could actually imitate the power as not all spells are equal, they all vary in power and effectiveness , and even then just knowing the Spell doesn’t mean she can perform them.

It takes practice. It’s also why she probably couldn’t perform the Spell With No Name, given that she only had that magic for like 2 hours before giving it all up, which isn’t a lot of time to learn a spell since she spent all that time sulking over Marco.


There is a very good reason that Star had “Broke the exterior of a magic temple” right above “Can destroy planets” and “Possesses magic capable of destroying a dimension.” Star wank is built upon secondary material that doesn’t reflect the actual damage done in the series. It’s not a high setting outside of lore.


While not exactly from the Book of Spells, you also have one of Star’s blasts being described as “planet neutralizing” in a piece of merchandise/secondary material book. When it’s seen in action, it doesn’t even char the ground, and even if you wanted to cope by saying, “oh Star can just control it to a degree”, it would have come in handy at any other point in the series!


People will argue that Baby saying that Star has the second best skill level she had ever seen means that she should be able to replicate all their feats, but skill is not always equal to power, and that was in regards to those queens when they were 14.


…But Star’s Feats Though!


Just thought I’d sum up why the evidence people use to claim Star is universal doesn’t really pan out when compared to the events of the. Take for instance, her recreation of the Realm of Magic at 0:15.

Yeah, you’ll notice it’s less her making a dimension and more her just changing the color. That’s the part Vs Battlers forget to mention. The Realm was never actually destroyed, just corrupted into black goop.

There is also, of course, her infamous “genocide” that Reddit and Twitter posts by people who worked on the series have quietly reduced to just the bad people dying so that all the magic puppies were safe.

It’s less her blasting a dimension into oblivion and more like poisoning the water supply with a lot of help, since that’s how the Realm works, you turn off the magic and you turn off all the magic everywhere.

Another event from Cleaved is the merging of Earth and Mewni.

Now the thing about dimension merging, (no CWC jokes please, it’s kinda dark now) is that very rarely will it mean what debaters say it means. They assume that this means Star and Marco’s bond was telekinetically grabbing time-spaces and mashing them together like bread on a sandwich without considering the fact that maybe this magic meant to make a couple happen didn’t slam Earth with another dimension, and functioned just as a spell to fuse things together.


Another common argument is that since Omnitraxus Prime has a bunch of stars and stuff that means we should treat anyone able to push him as being able to strike with Big Bang levels of force, despite the fact that clearly is not going on. His job is to explain time and space to the queens of Mewni, that’s what he’s made for. There’s a reason when he gets slammed into a castle’s walls the castle doesn’t react like it got hit by billions of stars–unless you wanna say every single building in Star vs is universal like a total idiot or Vs Battles.


So Who Really Wins?


Going into the Stats Trinity, we have a pretty clear picture of the fight.


Speed wise, they’re about the same. You can get into Star and Steven dodging magical electrical blasts and what not and making them move at speeds that would make the Flash blush, or we could use actual logic and take notice that these things move about as fast as a thrown baseball.


Steven however does have the advantage in terms of cast time, as the majority of Star’s spells tend to require her saying an incantation and occasionally a little gesture, which is a bit of a bad move against a guy who with just a stray emotion trigger can get to moving so fast that the world slows down, to the point that people’s voices are slowed down. I don’t know if I buy Star being able to blurt out spells at superhuman speeds as if she was Superman. Durability also seems to favor Steven as well, at least in the terms of explosions.

He has the Injector blowing up while facing his bubble at 1:00.


This pyramid temple blew up with him inside it at 3:27.


His bubble protected him and the Gems from the Hand Ship exploding.


What does Star have in comparison? Not much if you want direct feats. Most of her durability is based on being knocked around a little by monsters who can break stone and stuff or by tanking magical blasts. Her best direct durability feat is the aforementioned Whispering Spell done on Ludo’s wand, and judging by how she ended up in the Realm of Magic when it sent off, it’s sort of shaky to actually call it a durability feat, and even if we do call it a durability feat, in term so direct destruction it only blew up the top part of a tower so not that great of a feat. See 2:20.


Star also has shields like Steven but they tend to show up more in her butterfly form and they don’t have much in terms of direct feats. So Star’s last chance to win a piece of the stat triangle comes from the strength category…and I don’t know if that goes well for her. Let’s take a look at some of her destruction feats:

She melted a large section of a billboard with a blast at 3:20.

She sliced apart a tower using magic at 1:45.


Here she moves some boulders, small houses and trees one at a time with telekinesis.


And in terms of hands-on strength, Star carried a large crystal encasing Marco.


Now let’s take a lot at some of Steven’s power feats.

Steven’s personal best involves lifting Spinel’s Injector, a pretty massive Gem weapon. Check it out at 0:25.


Now you will notice he couldn’t sustain it, but the only reason for that was because his powers were being interfered with which you can see by his gem flickering out. Under ordinary circumstances he would certainly be able to keep it lifted.


Another good feat come from the time he managed to hit Jasper hard enough to knock down her and like, a lot
of trees with one punch. See 1:30.

Check out the time he managed to cleave a boulder in half with his shield. Eat your heart out, Captain America. See 0:45.


And check out the time he split an anvil in half with just a tap of a hammer at 0:55.


So yeah, the Stat Trinity isn’t really in Star’s favor if we look at direct stuff, which is usually the best measure of someone’s capabilities.


As For How The Actual Fight Goes


As for how the actual fight goes, if we’re not doing Fragments/Buff Steven, Star for sure is getting the first hit in as she’s way more willing to throw down while Steven is going to want to talk it out over pizza or something.


Now, Star doesn’t ever really bring out her most esoteric stuff in a fight against a boss character like Meteora, Mina or Toffee, and she tends to go with high power blasts of energy, narwhals, cupcakes, and basically whatever meme word you can think of.


If this is a casual fight, there’s a 40 percent shot or so that she uses something like a happiness ray or transforms Steven into a carrot. Now this is something Steven himself will have no defense against, though you could make the argument that since his Monster form could resist Yellow Diamond’s manipulation of his form, so maybe he could, but it certainly doesn’t track. Heck, a plot point is that being human helps him against the technology used to manipulate a Gem’s light form.


But even if Steven was turned into a cat/monster/monster cat and then returned to normal, it would not mean that he could recover from being, so say, turned to stone. However, Star vs spells tend to affect whatever is in the way rather than the actual target, which is great news for a guy that makes shields.



And if Star ever figures out that she should target Steven’s gem? Unlike other Gems, Steven can actually keep people from making contact with his gem. Take a look at 0:25.



Star can BFR (battle field removal) people to places like an abyss or so, but this too relies on her hitting them with a blast or using a sucking portal, and I don’t really buy it creating enough suction to overcome Stephen’s strength. When she summoned one, it sucked in some furniture. that’s it. Well, it almost sucked in Ludo and Star herself, which shows that her portals can get her in trouble if she isn’t careful with them.


People also like to argue that Star is more skilled than Steven in a fight, and while it is true that she’s been training a lot longer, it’s not in anything like pressure points or complex martial arts. Her training has been based in…just brutalizing someone with her bare hands or whatever mace she has on hand.


In a close combat match against Steven, things don’t bode well for Star.


It’s hard to argue that Steven wouldn’t be able to restrain Star or injure her to the point she couldn’t fight back since she has no healing factor–unlike Steven who does, meaning he’s gonna heal any injuries he sustains while Star will be left dealing with accumulating damage.


Sure, Steven’s long range game is not as great as Star’s, especially with her wide variety of energy blasts. Steven can only raise shields when he’s under bombardment and maybe send a few shields Star’s way, but keep in mind that the deciding difference between the two is that Steven can reliably defend himself from Star at any range where Star is doomed if Steven closes the gap. And since Steven can move so fast speech slows down and Star relies on speeches and gestures to cast a spell, it’s very likely he’s going to close that gap.



What If They Fight To The Death?


If you wanna talk about who would win in a “kill you on sight” match, say Star thinks Steven killed Marco/Steven thinks Star killed Connie , things aren’t that much better for Star.


Assuming we have Pink State Steven against Ultimate Magic Form Star, we got a Steven who can boost his speed to a point where everything is slowed down and who has enough fight in him to hit first and hit hard. For Star, she’s probably going to treat this fight like a boss fight and likely won’t reach for her emotion manipulating and BFR spells. She doesn’t use them on her own bosses, she doesn’t think that way, she’s the kind of girl who fights harder when pushed, not smarter. Star would likely spam blasts, which Steven would simply counter by raising shields.


Those freaky wings of hers likely won’t really help Star much since Steven’s flight abilities are boosted in Pink State to the point he is arguably more agile than Star. Add Steven being pissed off enough to not restrain himself and you’re getting a splattered butterfly.


Also, Star is, more or less, not as powerful without her wand as she is with it. It’s true that dipping down grants her access to more magic, but this might be because her body can’t handle it. Just look at Conquer where Star puts all the enrgy in her transformation into a single move which doesn’t do much damage to the building she’s in beyond getting Meteora. After the attack, she’s barely able to lift herself up. See 2:09.

Steven, on the other hand, buffs up in his pink state to the point that him just yelling tears down buildings. See 2:09 again, funnily enough.


When someone’s last-ditch desperation move is comparable to their opponent’s shout of joy, it’s sort of not a fair fight.


But what about scaling? Scaling doesn’t really help much because this is most destructive spell ever seen in the Star vs television show. All it does is melt through some trees and a mountain, and what’s more, Star doesn’t even know this spell.



Compare that spell to Garnet’s brawl with a monster where she hits it so hard a chunk of mountain just falls off.


Also, the spell melting through the Solarian Knight doesn’t help much since the best feats for the Solarian Knights are…pushing down trees.


And individually the Solarian Knights struggle to tear down a mountain even when enraged and bent on killing all monsters. So we have a grunt Gem plus a non combat Gem, which makes Garnet, being tougher than a warrior which called for the setting’s most dangerous spell.


Eclipsa and Janna would later try using a bunch of TNT of all things to blow up a single Solarian Knight.


Even if you wanna cope by saying the knights’ swords were the reason Star and Eclipsa couldn’t beat them, if these guys were planet level, the plan wouldn’t be sending off a wheelbarrow of TNT to destroy them, a wheelbarrow full of TNT that Star and Eclipsa had to take cover from, mind you, which they wouldn’t have to do if they could destroy universes and bathe in their cosmic fires.


An army of these sub-Garnet knights causes Star to flip the board and decide that her only option is to destroy all magic a she thinks that’s the only way she can win.


And keep in mind that we can’t even say Star is on the level of just one Solarian Knight. When she fought just one, she couldn’t beat it, she had to get Eclipsa to help her. The same applies to Meteora. Eclipsa saved the day by turning her into a baby because Star couldn’t get the job done herself. Star would have been crushed by Meteora without an intervention.


So let’s talk about Meteora. Meteora’s best feat is blowing off the top of a castle
tower. That’s not exactly a patch on Garnet.


Now, is it reasonable to scale Steven to Garnet? I’d say so. Classes aside, Garnet fought Jasper pretty well during their second fight while singing, but ultimately won by shoving Jasper into a spaceship’s engine room so it would explode and the ship would crash and then blow up. This likely means Garnet can’t beat Jasper strictly one-on-one. Garnet also  ran like hell to get to Steven so that his bubble would shield her and their friends while Jasper would not only survive the spaceship crash+explosion but dust herself off and immediately get back to going after the Gems after about 20 seconds or so.


So I think it’s safe to say Jasper is at equal to if not greater than Garnet, and Steven would end up killing Jasper in his pink state after he stopped holding back.


Now, some people will try and bring up Star killing Toffee and say that she can just blast Steven with the same magic and remove his healing factor…but there’s sort of an issue with that logic. See 0:50.


For one, Toffee aside, the blast doesn’t do much to anyone around it, so it can’t be said for certain that Star didn’t just overpower Toffee’s healing factor instead of take it away. Hell, Toffee’s whole deal is that while he isn’t very durable physically, he can regenerate to compensate, hence why Marco can punch straight through him. The beam being unable to obliterate Toffee outright doesn’t speak well for its strength. Even if we assume that it hits stronger than Star’s strongest on-screen blast, it still wouldn’t be enough to get past Steven’s durability and shields, and since the spell’s thing seems to specifically be that people can’t heal from the injuries it gives, Steven doesn’t have to worry about a thing. He’s not going to get injured, so he doesn’t need to worry about whether or not he can heal.

Why Exactly is Star Vs Such A Low Level Setting For Its Lore?


This is gonna come as the biggest pain to Vs Battles contributors: scaling, lore and calcs are sort of meaningless without context, you know actual concrete stuff. Context functions as the bane of debaters, the little thing that reminds them that the fastest guy in the world of One Piece is a dude whose exact limit is light speed, which sort of makes Luffy being calced to be 13 times that speed in base form stupid as Hell.


See, the reasons we don’t have things like Star demolishing planets and stars on screen or blasting universes apart is sort of because of Marco. He’s about as much a main character as Star is, and he starts off as Star’s buddy in monster fighting and eventually becomes her sort-of boyfriend (though one that Nefcy soft confirmed probably wouldn’t last in the long run).


He’s the Everyman, the average teenage boy /co/ self inserts as in a pathetic attempt to rewrite their own teen experiences, and he can’t be that in a setting where Star can accidentally annihilate solar systems. But in a setting where the best destructive feats done by the most dangerous spells burn through a cliffside and a few trees, he can be Star’s monster fighting buddy. In contrast, Steven Universe’s main characters are the Gems, magical alien warriors and the bastard of their leader, Steven.


Connie exists, sure but she’s not a main character the same way Marco is. She’s barely in the series half the time and wasn’t even introduced until several episodes in. Now when she does fight, half the time it’s because she can boost Steven’s power into Stevonnie via fusion, she’s not punching through Jasper like Marco does with Toffee, she’s just a girl that Steven gave a sword to and later ends up with at the end.


Marco, however, plays too major a role for the feats of the setting to be beyond him, especially with his role as a hands-on-fighter. People
will say Star is a universal setting, but they fail to realize that there was a whole army of individuals that Star admitted she could never ever defeat and that Star’s big goal was to kill a few hundred monsters or so and reclaim her kingdom. The threats in Star don’t really go beyond the Kingdom of Mewni in terms of what actually is in immediate danger, while the entire Earth is sometime at risk in Steven Universe.


Daron Nefcy can spam stuff in throwaway lore books all she wants about how Meteora can sneeze away galaxies, but it won’t change the fact she was held down by several boulders in the show.


What’s Next?


I am gonna be super real with Starfriends, you’re never coming back. The match up was mainly reliant on Steven’s popularity in terms of who’s getting views, Cleaved and Daron Nefcy had burnt a lot of bridges and sure, plenty of people did have an issue with the whole Diamond redemption, but compared to the shitstorm that was the Star Vs Finale, it was practically nothing, most recognize SU as pretty decent online, your feelings of fictional villains getting a comeuppance not factoring in. Star had 4 seasons, a guidebook, and a couple of comics.


Don’t get me wrong, some fans were begging for a fifth season or an actual movie but much like the attempt made for the Netflix She-Ra fandom, the begging died pretty fast. Disney in general has more or less decided that lore shows are not a priority anymore, stuff like The Owl House and Amphibia are getting shoved out the door real quick, and with episodic comedies like Big City Greens being pushed more, which makes sense, it’s their biggest hit since Phineas and Ferb premiered. Why waste time on Gravity Falls’ bastards when you have that going on for you?


Steven Universe on the other hand, 5 seasons, a movie, a sequel series, comic books, action figures, actual video games and not just ones you find on a website, art books and several pieces of merchandise up to and including a Monopoly. Steven Universe characters for some reason took precedence as some of the characters introduced in Multiversus, WB’s latest attempt at mashing all their IPs together into one horrific monster to make money and another multiverse cash-in. Cartoon Network is still using Garnet as a bit of a mascot, even with those PSAs that even die hard fans found coming off as badly done. Coupled with stuff like Craig of the Creek and Adventure Time getting confirmed content, it’s more than likely SU’s getting new material, which Death Battle will wanna cash in on. Against who? No idea, for some reason Invincible is popping up, I get it, half alien guys with parents who said they were heroes but were really invaders. Gohan fits better for Mark, but you’ve either got Super scaling that renders the fight a little pointless as you’ll get the universal tier everyone and their mother is given for some reason, or pre-Super Gohan. The matchup also doesn’t really do anything Bardock vs Omni-Man can’t. and Bardock vs Omni-man is already more popular.


Having Steven fight Conner Kent is another option, and Superboy Prime scaling aside could make a decent fight, but for some reason it’s never gotten big.


Steven aside, best bets are either Garnet or Pearl, who I’m sorry to say have decent odds of being ranked as sun-destroying by Death Battle’s standards due to sharing the same atmosphere with Steven, but regardless they could make decent fights depending on who they get matched up against.


So that’s sort of where we are with Star vs Steven, a hyped match for several years turning into a badly calced, badly scaled, though decently animated fight that never quite lived up to the hype that was promised. A real shame.