Well lets get it over with.


Seriously? Time traveling saiyan (okay, half saiyan) vs time traveling hedgehog? Is the writing staff dying of dementia, have they switched to using a learning algorithm to pick their matches?


Hey Swank, you want to add Doc Brown, the Doctor, and Booster Gold to this match of champions?


Get real. This match is awful.


The only entertainment to glean from this match has nothing to do with the match itself and everything to do with the implications. Archie Sonic going to the oxygen club is hilarious in light of Ben’s love of the series. The dude has longboxed floppies. He loves Archie Sonic like I love Rom. Poor dude is so burned out on who-would-win fights that he’s starting to break the Swank conditioning on the podcasts and question why characters that need to ride horses are expected to move faster than light and how characters that need keys to open doors are supposed to output energy in excess of entire universes. He’s probably suppressing it with all his might, but you can tell he wants a Silver win and he wants one bad. If Silver loses he’s going to spend a lot of time with Sonic 116.


Those that know, know why.


But if Trunks loses, then Xenowank gets fraud checked right out the gate. All those rio grande mexicali level wanks dissolve instantly like water hitting a hot pan. And you know, that might be why Trunks wins, because if he does win then it means there’s hope and hype for Xeno to punch above its weight. Superman vs Xeno Goku would look like a possibility. But Silver winning would shut that fight down fast–and I think he will win.


I don’t think he has it on lock, and Ben did hint on a podcast to back pedaling on Archie calcs, but if Silver is anything like the X speed infinite multiverse reality warping total invincibility monster that was Archie Sonic, if he’s just –close– to being like Archie Sonic, then he should win. What’s Trunk’s specific counter for I WISH YOU GONE FOREVERRRRRRR, because Swank had to pull out an obscure exotic energy manipulation feat to get Wally to survive it.


If Trunks doesn’t have a counter to I WISH YOU GONE, he’s not winning, period. Now, maybe he does. We’re in the age of faster-than-light James Bond, anything is possible. They could say that Trunks resists a multiversal reset because something something power sword something something time travel.


So yeah, I’m voting for the Ringo the Hedgehog.