

(Midsommer is the setting of the interactive webcomic Colony Corps by Edspear. Check it out and start adventuring by clicking here!)


Other Appellations


Universe 22718 (W Series)


Fox Harmonic




Astral Connection


L2 D0


Caution Rating




Multiverse Activity:






Quantum, Sleeping, Analog




(Midsommer is the setting of the interactive webcomic Colony Corps by Edspear. Check it out and start adventuring by clicking here!)


The Earth of this universe is the State, and the State is Earth. The State is not the kindest monoculture Earth we’ve come across, not by a longshot. It’s very likely that if they had the ability to travel the multiverse, they’d earn their universe the belligerent keyword. The State is a centralized, martial, crony-capitalist, expansionist, and xenophobic hedgemon. By all means, tease Earth State about the obvious comparison, but they aren’t anywhere near as bad as THE State.


Mankind isn’t solely to blame for the State. When they took their first steps out into the stars, they ran into the fiercely territorial Szere, and there’s nothing quite like a traumatic first contact to encourage aggressive expansionism in the name of homeworld defense.


Following the destructive war with the Szere, mankind began to rebuild their ruined colonies and settle new ones. One such colony was built on the mysterious planet Midsommer, the 5th moon of Tempest, and when contact was lost with the Midsommer colony, the Colony Corps, a corporate military subsidized by the State to defend Earth’s colonies, was sent to investigate.


But something went wrong during the drop–very wrong. Guidance systems failed and pods landed widely off course killing or stranding their passengers. The planet-wide ansible communication array was severed. Colony Corps came to rescue the colonists, but quickly found themselves in need of a rescue.


Was it malfunction? Sabotage? A new kind of enemy weapon? We ourselves aren’t sure because whatever is on Midsommer that disrupted their ansible is also disrupting our multiverse probes. We can only see glimpses of what’s happening on Midsommer, but what we have been able to record is very interesting. We’ve seen technological marvels overgrown with aeons of vegetation. We’ve seen receptacles of black goo that turn into wads of circuitry, metal, and wire when placed on certain plates. We’ve seen machinery lit by a purple light that seems to possess intelligence. We’ve seen lizard-birds with winged membranes that are instinctively drawn to fill their nests with bits of technological junk–or perhaps, salvage.


Most interestingly, we’ve seen a native sapient race–the Oyani, a race of scavengers who live among the many ruins of Midsommer and seem to know how to get the most out of what few processes they possess. The Midsommer colonists have a positive relation with the Oyani, and Colony Corps is willing to tolerate their presence given the disastrous circumstance of their arrival and the fact that the Oyani seem peaceful–even helpful in some respects.


Are the Oyani the heirs of the technological culture that once flourished on Midsommer? It seems likely.


Humanity isn’t the only race interested in Midsommer. The Szere’s presence on the world has recently been upgraded from suspected to incredibly frikken’ likely. Conflict with the Szere seems inevitable.


Of the humans on Midsommer, the most interesting seems to be Private M. Carver, homeworld Warsaw. Carver is an enthusiastic but rather scatterbrained and overly-inquisitive recruit. We have him tagged as a possible hyperstatic owing to the way the mysterious purple light inside certain machinery seems to be protective of him and his incredible resilience. He’s able to recover in a short time from large falls and large explosives. He’s remarkably friendly for a Colony Corp recruit having not only befriended fellow Colony Corp survivor James “Slim” Pickings but the Oyani “Me-Singarr” Dividi.


Linking up with the Midsommer colony at last, Carver is joined by Sergeant Madison L. Olivier, a stern soldier with a strong distrust of aliens like Dividi and Madame Director Cellog, who has been doing her best to keep her colony alive. Disregarding the State’s non-contact/interference doctrine, she has negotiated with the local Oyani and has even learned their language. She has several missions for Carter and his friends, and what may come of these missions we can only speculate…


Individuals of Note




Private M. Carver



A romantic at heart, Carver longs for the adventure and triumph promised to him by Colony Corps recruitment posters, and so far he’s found plenty of the former…but not much of the later. Curious, brave, and well-in over his head, he’s only managed to avoid death by the skin of his teeth–assuming he has any. He’s way too attached to his face shield to let anyone see what’s under it. Is he a robot? An alien? A android? A robot-alien-android? Hey, you never can tell what sort of twisted experiments dystopian space cultures are going to cook up.


Raw Power 1

Durability 10

Speed 4

Sanity 3

Intelligence 3

Skill 3


Colonel Private James “Slim” Pickings



Friendly, humble, and hapless, Colonel Private James “Slim” Pickings probably may not be the best soldier, but he is the best friend of Private M. Carver.


Raw Power 1

Durability 7

Speed 2

Sanity 3

Intelligence 3

Skill 3




An adventurous, near fearless Oyani courier armed with her wits and a smattering of English words. She has an important message to deliver to the Midsommer colony. She is curious about humans and their curious ways.


Raw Power 5

Durability 5

Speed 8

Sanity 8

Intelligence 7

Skill 9



Sergeant Madison L. Olivier



With humans, Sergeant Olivier is stern but fair with a reputation for keeping casualties well-below the average. She will make the hard decisions expected of an officer, but she respects the men under her control. With aliens, Sergeant Olivier is stern and unfair, which is perhaps unsurprising given all the action she’s seen against the Czere.


She does not care for Dividi cavorting with her men, but she can’t deny the Oyani courier has her uses, so for the time being she tolerates her presence.


Raw Power 8

Durability  8

Speed 6

Sanity 6

Intelligence 5

Skill: 9


Madame Director Cellog



After the deaths of the previous two Colonial administrators, Cellog was promoted from head of psychological logistics to head of the entire Midsommer Colony. She’s in remarkably good spirits given the circumstances.


Sweet, personable, and calm even in the face of dire straits, Cellog is a calming force amid the growing crisis. Extremely open-minded, perhaps because of her background in psychology, she has learned the Oyani language and pursues policies of co-existence and cooperation even in light of the State’s Non-contact/interference doctrine.


Raw Power 1

Durability 3

Speed 1

Sanity 12

Intelligence 10

Skill 10